Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: XVII. Thrinos III
Chanticleer,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: XI. Epitaphios - Procession II. To the Tomb Entrance
Chanticleer,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: V. Epitaphios - Procession I. From Golgotha to the Anointing Stone
Chanticleer,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: XVI. Look Upon Me and Have Mercy
Chanticleer,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: XV. I Awaited Lord, Your Salvation
Chanticleer,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: XIV. Princes Have Persecuted Me
Chanticleer,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: XIII. Stasis III
Chanticleer,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: XII. The Descent from the Cross III
Joseph Jennings,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: X. Thrinos II
Chanticleer,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: IX. Your Hands Have Made Me
Chanticleer,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: VIII. Let Now Your Mercy
Chanticleer,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: VII. Stasis II
Chanticleer,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: VI. The Descent from the Cross II
Joseph Jennings,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: IV. Thrinos I
Chanticleer,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: II. Stasis I
Chanticleer,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble
Lamentations and Praises: I. Golgotha. The Descent from the Cross I
Joseph Jennings,Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble