Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
Nabucco, Act 3: "Va pensiero" (Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves)
Bernard Haitink,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
Aida, IGV 1, Act IV: "O terra addio" (Aida, Radamès, Coro, Amneris)
London Philharmonic Orchestra,Sir Thomas Beecham,Maria Caniglia,Beniamino Gigli,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden,Ebe Stignani
Aida, IGV 1, Act IV: "La fatal pietra sovra me si schiuse" (Radamès, Aida, Coro)
London Philharmonic Orchestra,Sir Thomas Beecham,Beniamino Gigli,Maria Caniglia,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
Aida, IGV 1, Act IV: "Radamès, Radamès, tu rivelasti" (Ramfis, Coro, Amneris)
London Philharmonic Orchestra,Sir Thomas Beecham,Corrado Zambelli,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden,Ebe Stignani
Aida, IGV 1, Act IV: "Ohimè!... morir mi sento" (Amneris, Coro)
London Philharmonic Orchestra,Sir Thomas Beecham,Ebe Stignani,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
Aida, IGV 1, Act III: "O tu che sei d'Osiride" (Coro, Ramfis, Amneris)
London Philharmonic Orchestra,Sir Thomas Beecham,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden,Corrado Zambelli,Ebe Stignani
Aida, IGV 1, Act II: O Re: pei sacri Numi (Radamès, Il Re, Amneris, Coro, Ramfis, Aida, Amonasro)
London Philharmonic Orchestra,Sir Thomas Beecham,Beniamino Gigli,Norman Walker,Ebe Stignani,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden,Corrado Zambelli,Maria Caniglia,Armando Borgioli
Aida, IGV 1, Act II: "Quest'assisa ch'io vesto vi dica" (Amonasro, Aida, Coro, Ramfis, Radamès, Amneris, Il Re)
London Philharmonic Orchestra,Sir Thomas Beecham,Armando Borgioli,Maria Caniglia,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden,Corrado Zambelli,Beniamino Gigli,Ebe Stignani,Norman Walker
Aida, IGV 1, Act II: "Salvator della patria, io ti saluto" (Il Re, Radamès, Coro, Aida, Amneris, Amonasro)
London Philharmonic Orchestra,Sir Thomas Beecham,Norman Walker,Beniamino Gigli,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden,Ebe Stignani,Armando Borgioli,Maria Caniglia
Aida, IGV 1, Act II: "Vieni, o guerriero vindice" (Coro)
London Philharmonic Orchestra,Sir Thomas Beecham,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
Aida, IGV 1, Act II: "Gloria all'Egitto, ad Iside" (Coro)
London Philharmonic Orchestra,Sir Thomas Beecham,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
Aida, IGV 1, Act II: "Pietà ti prenda del mio dolor" (Aida, Amneris, Coro)
London Philharmonic Orchestra,Sir Thomas Beecham,Maria Caniglia,Ebe Stignani,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
Aida, IGV 1, Act II: "Chi mai fra gl'inni e i plausi" (Coro, Amneris)
London Philharmonic Orchestra,Sir Thomas Beecham,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden,Ebe Stignani
Aida, IGV 1, Act I: "Possente Fhtà" (Coro)
London Philharmonic Orchestra,Sir Thomas Beecham,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
Aida, IGV 1, Act I: "Alta cagion v'aduna" (Il Re, Messaggero, Coro, Aida, Ramfis, Radamès, Amneris)
London Philharmonic Orchestra,Sir Thomas Beecham,Norman Walker,Blando Giusti,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden,Maria Caniglia,Corrado Zambelli,Beniamino Gigli,Ebe Stignani
Nabucco, Act 3: "Va pensiero" (Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves)
Bernard Haitink,Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden