50 Sunday Morning Church Classics
The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 01. The Old Rugged Cross 購入する
- 02. The Lord Is My Shepherd
- 03. Rock of Ages
- 04. How Great Thou Art 購入する
- 05. Holy, Holy, Holy! 購入する
- 06. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 購入する
- 07. Abide with Me
- 08. All Creatures of Our God and King 購入する
- 09. Beautiful Savior 購入する
- 10. Crown Him With Many Crowns 購入する
- 11. God Be with You
- 12. How Good, Lord, to Be Here
- 13. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name 購入する
- 14. Give Me Jesus 購入する
- 15. Onward Christian Soldiers
- 16. We Gather Together 購入する
- 17. Praise Him 購入する
- 18. Were You There? 購入する
- 19. I Love to Tell the Story
- 20. We Worship and Adore 購入する
- 21. Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho
- 22. Let Us Break Bread Together
- 23. Lift High the Cross 購入する
- 24. Now Thank We All Our God
- 25. I Know My Reedemer Liveth
- 26. I Will Enter His Gates
- 27. I've Got Peace Like a River 購入する
- 28. Jesus Christ Is Risen Today 購入する
- 29. Jesus Is My Lord
- 30. Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun 購入する
- 31. Lourdes Hymn (Immaculate Mary)
- 32. My Faith Looks up to Thee 購入する
- 33. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 購入する
- 34. Shall We Gather at the River 購入する
- 35. Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
- 36. The Church's One Foundation 購入する
- 37. The King of Love My Shepherd Is 購入する
- 38. What Wondrous Love 購入する
- 39. When Morning Gilds the Skies 購入する
- 40. All People That on Earth Do Dwell 購入する
- 41. Blessed Assurance
- 42. Come Christians Join to Sing
- 43. All Things Bright and Beautiful 購入する
- 44. Come, Ye Thankful People Come
- 45. Day by Day
- 46. Faith of Our Fathers! Living Still 購入する
- 47. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
- 48. Hallelujah, We Sing Your Praises
- 49. God, Our Father
- 50. God of Our Fathers